In this article, we aim to figure out if you’re missing out on more muscle growth by not changing your exercises every session.
Read MoreIn this article, we aim to figure out if you’re missing out on more muscle growth by not changing your exercises every session.
Read MoreWith the same exercise, performing it one way can produce drastically more muscle hypertrophy than performing it another way.
This is because the current data demonstrate that the length you train a muscle at can profoundly influence the amount of hypertrophy produced.
Read MoreFor maximizing hypertrophy, should low, moderate, or high repetition numbers be used?
Well, as we’ve mentioned in other articles, there’s a great number of studies finding loads between 80% one-rep max and 30% one-rep max produce similar muscle hypertrophy, so long as repetitions are performed to or very close to failure.
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