When it comes to understanding the basics of how any type of resistance training program works, the principle of specificity is one of the most fundamental ideas.
Read MoreWhen it comes to understanding the basics of how any type of resistance training program works, the principle of specificity is one of the most fundamental ideas.
Read MoreFor anyone who has Bulgarian split squatted before (also called the rear- elevated split squat or pitcher squat), you would know that it is a killer exercise.
In my opinion, it is one of the hardest exercises that exist, especially when using moderate to higher rep ranges.
Read MoreSquatting is arguably the most fundamental lower body movement capable of developing a wide range of attributes, from strength to size.
Squatting can be generally categorized by simultaneous flexion and extension at the hip, knee, and ankle joints.
Read MoreThe length-tension relationship demonstrates that the amount of force produced by sarcomeres (the contractile units of muscle) depends on its length.
Read MoreThe squat is probably arguably the most popular lower body exercise, even sometimes referred to as the king of all exercises, but is the squat enough for maximizing leg growth?
Read MoreI’ve you’ve been involved in the strength or hypertrophy training community for a while, you may have heard of the repeated bout effect.
Read MoreCross-education is the term given to the increase in strength, and potentially even size, of an opposite limb after training only one limb.
Read MoreWe’ve previously discussed whether flexing between sets could help build more muscle, concluding that overall, it did not seem to enhance hypertrophy.
Read MoreStretching is a common practice performed for many reasons. Probably one of the lesser thought about reasons is for building muscle. But, does stretching actually build muscle?
Read MoreMany bodybuilders have advocated the use of the mind-muscle connection for maximizing muscle growth.
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