A brand new study out of Japan by Maeo et al. has recently come out, comparing overhead extensions to pushdowns, and its findings have important implications for maxing triceps hypertrophy.
Let’s dive into this great new paper.
Read MoreA brand new study out of Japan by Maeo et al. has recently come out, comparing overhead extensions to pushdowns, and its findings have important implications for maxing triceps hypertrophy.
Let’s dive into this great new paper.
Read MoreTraining hard is clearly important for developing muscle and strength.
It’s logical to think the more you train, the more you gain. You’d don’t to take your foot off the gas.
Read MoreIt’s almost a guarantee that if you got two people to perform the same training program, they would get different results. Why is this?
Genetics, nutrition, and sleep may be some factors that instantly come to your mind, and all of these are unquestionably valid. But another, probably underappreciated factor, is the psychological stress levels experienced by a person.
Read MoreWhen consuming fitness content online, including mine, much of the discussion is on training variables and nutrition.
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