It’s not uncommon to hear that volume drives muscle hypertrophy.
Specifically, it’s thought more volume could produce more muscle hypertrophy, probably up until a certain point.
Read MoreIt’s not uncommon to hear that volume drives muscle hypertrophy.
Specifically, it’s thought more volume could produce more muscle hypertrophy, probably up until a certain point.
Read MoreWhen training to build strength or muscle, most people use a sets and reps structure.
For instance, you may perform 3 sets of 6 reps on the bench press in a session.
However, something called the 3/7 method seems to be gaining some degree of popularity in recent years.
Read MoreDrop sets are a so-called advanced muscle-building technique.
Generally, a drop set involves performing repetitions to failure with a given load and then immediately reducing the load (typically by 15-25%) and performing repetitions to failure again. Typically, one to three load reductions are done, but more can be done.
Read MoreBiceps curls are most commonly performed with weights, be it with dumbbells or barbells.
However, what if you saw an individual biceps curling without any weight?
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