The hip thrust has over time become one of the more popular lower body exercises that primarily trains your glutes. But, does the hip thrust improve your squat?
Read MoreThe hip thrust has over time become one of the more popular lower body exercises that primarily trains your glutes. But, does the hip thrust improve your squat?
Read MoreThe squat and the deadlift are probably the two most popular exercises that exist. But, how much does the deadlift carryover to the squat (does the deadlift increase your squat?), and what about the opposite, how much does the squat carryover to the deadlift (does the squat increase your deadlift?).
Read MoreThe trap bar deadlift has gained some good popularity over the years. It’s often regarded as a great alternative to the conventional barbell deadlift. However, some believe that the trap bar deadlift is nothing more than a squat and should not be regarded as a deadlift movement altogether.
Read MoreThe bench press is undoubtedly a great exercise for targeting the chest, anterior deltoids, and triceps.
Read MoreWhen it comes to maximizing a workout’s effectiveness, there are many interesting suggestions put forth. Some of these relate to performing various activities during your rest intervals.
Read MoreWhen it comes to maximizing muscle hypertrophy, there are many different ideas put forth. One of these ideas is that you should be training muscles based on their predominant fiber-type.
Read MoreThe push-up is a simple and convenient exercise that undoubtedly has the potential to induce meaningful strength, endurance, and muscle gain.